Birmingham, England
Charitable Food Provision as an Emergency Response
Birmingham Impact Hub

Lakewood CO
Sponsored by the Jefferson County Food Policy Council
Green Mountain Presbyterian Church
12900 W Alameda
Lakewood CO

Exeter CA: Big Hunger for Social Change
Sponsored by Foodlink for Tulare County
This evening brings together and supports educational initiatives by some of your favorite local organizations including ACT for Women and Girls, The Source LGBT+ Center, URBANISTS collective and FoodLink Tulare County
For more information, see: https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=foodlink%20tulare%20county

Oakland CA: Benefit for FoodShift
At Food Shift, 677 Ranger Ave, Alameda CA $25 tickets benefits FoodShift
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/shifting-our-charity-culture-towards-jobs-and-economic-justice-tickets-44636818927?utm_source=Food+Shift+Newsletter&utm_campaign=1d9c86043d-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_03_30&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f7db071d5e-1d9c86043d-46213601

Fresno CA
At Fresno State University, Kremen Hall Room 187.
Sponsored by FoodLink, Department of Anthropology, College of Social Sciences, and Associated Students Inc.

Detroit, MI
Co-sponsored by Wayne State University Department of Urban Studies and Planning and Detroit Food Policy Council
At Sacred Heart, 1000 Eliot St, Detroit MI 48207
Pittsburgh PA: Big Hunger- Why Charity is Not the Answer
Sponsored by Just Harvest and Pittsburgh Food Policy Council
Sixth Presbyterian Church, corner of Forbes and Murray in Squirrel Hill
with Nikki Lu, State Innovation Exchange and Jamil Bey, Urbankind Institute

Morgantown, WV
At West Virginia University, Mountainlair, Greenbrier Room
Sponsored by WVU Foodlab

Arcata, CA
Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
24 Fellowship Way (off Jacoby Creek Road)
Bayside, Ca 95527
Sponsored by Locally Delicious, Food for People, and the Humboldt Food Policy Council.
Rochester NY
With Mushroom Cloud.
Sponsored by Foodlink
Three Heads Brewing, 186 Atlantic Ave, Rochester NY
For more information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1665769583490324/

Boston: Harvard Law School
Sponsored by Harvard Law Food Law and Policy Clinic and Harvard Food Law Society

Cardiff, Wales: Big Hunger Talk at University of Cardiff
Foodbanks are still relatively new in the UK compared to the North American context. Their rapid growth and institutionalisation as welfare providers generates significant questions about the future of the welfare state, the limits of food charity, and the contradictory role the state, corporations, civil society, and local communities play in addressing hunger and poverty.

London UK: Big Hunger: A Discussion with Andrew Fisher about the Politics of Food Banks
Sponsored by Independent Food Aid Network. With Tara Osman, North Paddington Food Bank; Dr. Andrew Williams, Cardiff University; Mohammed Mamdani, Sufra Food Bank; Chris Sunderland, Real Economy